Dean Carter Binational Center Retreat in Mexico City
On September 20-21, 2010, Dean Carter Binational Center collaborators met in Mexico City to discuss future activities that will be developed over the next five years. Since its inception, the Center has looked to its partners to identify themes and activities that will be most effective in addressing environmental issues common to the US, Mexico, and in particular the border region between these two countries. Feedback from partners is crucial, since one important goal is to work toward future leveraging of programs and research developed by the Binational Center.
In addition to its 11 Mexican collaborative investigators, representatives from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Superfund Research Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Border 2012 Program, Mexico’s Council on Science and Technology and the Center for Investigation and Advanced Studies were in attendance. All 25 participants worked towards accomplishing the retreat goal of setting a concrete foundation for future endeavors.