Former UA SRP Director Jay Gandolfi Feted with Retirement Tribute
Dr. A. Jay Gandolfi, former Director of the University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP), was celebrated at a retirement tribute in March. Hosted by the UA College of Pharmacy, and attended by more than 200 colleagues and friends, the event took place at the Westin La Paloma Resort and Spa. A scientific retrospective in the afternoon was followed by a reception and tribute dinner. Throughout the day and into the night, a host of colleagues and former advisees provided insights into the way Dr. Gandolfi had achieved success as a researcher, professor, and mentor, inspiring many along the way. Dr. William Suk, Director of the NIEHS SRP, Dr. Raina Maier, Director of the UA SRP, and Dr. Jim Field, Director of the Dean Carter Binational Center for Environmental Health Sciences were just a few of the presenters who came to laud Dr. Gandolfi’s impressive career.
Dr. Gandolfi has served the UA for 34 years (and counting!) He began in the UA Department of Anesthesiology in the College of Medicine in 1978, becoming a full professor in 1989. He joined the UA Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology in the College of Pharmacy in 1999 as Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, becoming Associate Dean in 2007. He was Associate Director or Director of the UA SRP for 16 years, and was instrumental in establishing the Dean Carter Binational Center for Environmental Health Sciences. He has served as an adviser to 50 graduate students and a dozen post-doctoral fellows, and has sat on the committees of 141 additional graduate students.
Upon retirement, Dr. Gandolfi received emeritus status in recognition of his contributions to the University. This allows a retired professor to retain his title as an honor (and means that we still get to see Dr. Gandolfi’s smiling face on campus!) Dr. Gandolfi says of his emeritus status, “I hope to remain active with the college and University and to be involved with new projects that can use my coordination and research skills," he said. He also plans to enjoy his retirement with fishing and horseback riding, travel, and most of all, time with his family.
Congratulations, Dr. Gandolfi!
Photo credits: Margaret Hartshorn Photography