Jim Field Promoted
Congratulations to Jim Field, University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP) Investigator and Director of the Dean Carter Center for Environmental Health Sciences, on his promotion to Assistant Dean of Graduate Education in the College of Engineering. Dr. Field was formerly the Chair of the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering in the College of Engineering and began his new position on October 1, 2014. In his new role, Field will draw on his skills as an educator, adviser, researcher and administrator to oversee and expand the College’s graduate studies program. Says Field of the opportunity, “I look forward to creating opportunities and a sense of community for our graduate students, and I am motivated to attract students from Latin America that have home country fellowships.”
Please join us in recognizing Dr. Field’s new position and accomplishments!
See more at: http://news.engr.arizona.edu/news/james-field-appointed-assistant-dean-graduate-studies-ua-college-engineering