Jon Chorover Gives Radio Interview
Jon Chorover, a University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP) investigator, was invited to give an interview on KTEP’s Science Studio Program on January 3, 2016. The NPR station, based out of El Paso, TX, invited Chorover because he had given an invited seminar on his Superfund research the day before in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Texas at El Paso.
Chorover spoke with host Keith Pannell about his research on the fate and transport of pollutants such as lead and arsenic in the environment. He described his laboratory and field work to measure the impacts of phytostabilization on limiting the movement of such contaminants from the mine tailings at the Iron King Mine and Humboldt Smelter Superfund site in Dewey-Humboldt, AZ. Chorover and Pannell also discussed the complexity of the impacts that Superfund sites can have on communities and vice versa.
Chorover said the experience “was a pleasure; it was a lot of fun to be interviewed in a radio studio, particularly by such a well-informed interviewer as Pannell, who has a strong science background superimposed with a great sense of humor (a rare combination).”
Science Studio is a weekly 30-minute program that examines research and discoveries from the wide world of science, and the impacts of science on health and the environment. Host Pannell, a Professor of Chemistry at University of Texas at El Paso, began the series in 1987 and co-hosts it with another Professor of Chemistry.
Listen to the engaging interview here!