Live at 9 Seminar Series Continues with UA/UC Davis SRP Collaboration
On December 10, 2013, two Superfund Research Program (SRP) investigators delivered complementary seminars on groundwater remediation issues at US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 9 headquarters in San Francisco, CA. The seminar was coordinated jointly by the Research Translation Cores at the University of Arizona (UA) and University of California (UC), Davis SRPs. Dr. Graham Fogg (UC Davis SRP) discussed his research on groundwater transport models that aim to improve understanding of subsurface conditions and make groundwater remediation more effective. Dr. Mark Brusseau (UA SRP) discussed primary transport characteristics of persistent groundwater contaminant plumes, using field-based case studies to illustrate his work.
The seminar is the latest installment in the 2013-2014 EPA-SRP “Live at 9” Seminar Series. This long-running series was originally developed by the UA SRP in collaboration with US EPA Superfund and Technology Liaison Michael Gill. It is designed to bring together SRP researchers with US EPA Remedial Project Mangers in the Pacific Southwest (EPA Region 9). Each topic is presented as a “Live at 9” seminar at Region 9 headquarters in San Francisco, followed by an international web seminar sponsored by NIEHS and broadcast via the EPA CLU-IN website.
Mark your calendars for a reprise of the Live at Region 9 seminars via CLU-IN, coming February 24, 2014, 1-3pm eastern!