Mark Brusseau Receives Researcher of the Year Award 1999-2000
The Researcher of the Year Award goes to Dr. Mark L. Brusseau, Professor of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences. Dr. Brusseau's research focus is the transport, fate, and remediation of contaminants in the subsurface environment. His program has been at the forefront of this inter-disciplinary topic by synthesizing research in hydrology, environmental chemistry, microbiology, soil science, ecology, and engineering. Dr. Brusseau's program is one of the few to employ a holistic approach to research in his field by integrating theoretical, experimental, and modeling-based investigations. He is a prolific publisher of scientific articles, in the past 9 months he has published 9 peer reviewed journal articles and has an additional 8 under review. He is currently PI or Co-PI on $2.2m worth of research grants and has received more than $10 million in research funding to date. He is currently the advisor of 23 graduate students that work in his lab.
Early in his career he received the SSSA Emil Truog Award for the outstanding Ph.D. dissertation in the nation (awarded annually). It is a tribute to his outstanding record that eleven years after receiving his Ph.D., he was made Fellow of the Soil Science Society of America. His collaborative efforts span local, national and international venues. Dr. Brusseau is a member of the National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences 1999-2000. His campus activities include Graduate Program Director for the Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences; member of the Department and College Promotion and Tenure Committees; and member of the Department and College Curriculum Committees. He was recently appointed by the Governor of Arizona to the State Superfund Advisory Board. It is with great pleasure that I present the Researcher of the Year Award to Dr. Mark L. Brusseau.
Colin Kaltenbach, Vice Dean
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences.