MESH Study Hosts Participant Feedback Meeting
The University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP) Metals Exposure Study in Homes (MESH) project hosted an informational meeting for study participants on November 21, 2013, in Dewey-Humboldt, AZ. The MESH study is assessing the exposures of Dewey-Humboldt residents to metals, specifically children ages 1-11 years, through the collection and analysis of environmental (soil, dust, water), biological (blood, urine, toenails), questionnaire, and activity log data.
Ten participants, representing seven households, came for an informal question and answer session with lead investigator Dr. Miranda Loh, study coordinator Nathan Lothrop, and UA SRP Research Translation Core coordinator Sarah Wilkinson. Participants were provided with summary results from the study to date (samples from a few households were still being processed). These data were also compared to either guideline values or values from other studies. Participants were interested in finding out why and how they are exposed to these metals, and what is known about their risks. The discussion also included ways that residents could limit their exposure to metals.
The meeting also provided an opportunity for the MESH personnel to ask participants about their experience in the study and to solicit feedback on how to best to present results to the community. Once all the samples have been processed and analyzed, the MESH group intends to give a final results packet out to all participants, which will include their household’s data in relation to the summary study data, as well as practical advice for reducing exposures. Information on local and national resources will also be provided.
The participants commented that they were glad to have this opportunity to discuss their results in this informational meeting.