Most Cited Article: “Particle Phase Acidity and Oligomer Formation in Secondary Organic Aerosol” by UA SBRP Research Scientist Song Gao
The paper published in Environmental Science and Technology (ES&T) entitled: “Phase Acidity and Oligomer Formation in Secondary Organic Aerosol” is one of the “Top Three Hot Papers” from ES&T for March 2007.
The “Top Three Hot Papers” are identified by the Institute for Scientific Information’s Essential Science Indicators as articles published within the past 2 years receiving the most citations over the most recent 2-month period (January and February).
Please join the UA SBRP in congratulating Dr. Gao for his important contribution to ES&T as well as the entire scientific community.
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Article Reference
Song Gao, Nga L. Ng, Melita Keywood, Varuntida Varutbangkul, Roya Bahreini, Athanasios Nenes, Jiwen He, Kee Y. Yoo, J. L. Beauchamp, Robert P. Hodyss, Richard C. Flagan, and John H. Seinfeld. Phase Acidity and Oligomer Formation in Secondary Organic Aerosol. Environ. Sci. Technol.; 2004; 38(24) pp 6582 – 6589.