New Community Information Sheet Available for Outdoor Dust

June 28, 2016

The University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP) has released its latest addition to the Community Information Sheet series, this one focusing on Outdoor Dust. Increasing frequency and intensity of local dust storms makes outdoor dust a topic of growing relevance and public concern throughout Arizona and the arid Southwest. The Outdoor Dust sheet provides general information sources of outdoor dust, how dust develops, human health impacts, environmental regulations, and methods for control and minimization. 

The need for an Outdoor Dust Community Information sheet became apparent from questions posed by communities where the UA SRP does research and the timeliness of the topic. The UA SRP has participated in several recent dust meetings including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service 2016 Southern Arizona Dust Storm Workshop and the 2013 NIEHS sponsored UA SRP workshop on Airborne Mineral Dust Contaminants: Impacts on Human Health and the Environment.

Expert collaborators on the community outdoor dust sheet have already worked to promote its use and distribution. Dr. Thomas Gil with University of Texas, El Paso, distributed the information sheet at the New Mexico Department of Transportation Dust Storm Stakeholders Meeting on February 24, 2016 in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Mr. Kyle Rine, who represented UA SRP at the Southern Arizona Dust Storm Workshop in March 2016, also distributed copies.

Recently, the NIEHS Partnerships for Environmental Public Health approached the UA SRP for permission to create a one page format for the tri-fold outdoor dust sheet. The updated version of the sheet has been adopted for use by the UA SRP and is available for download, along with the Spanish translated version, at our website. Please remember to fill out our survey to provide us with input and let us know if this community information sheet is useful to you.

Stay tuned for future releases in this series.  


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