Ramirez-Andreotta and Saez participate in ASEMS Workshop
On Saturday, August 27, 2016, University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP) Investigators, Dr. Eduardo Saez and Dr. Monica Ramirez-Andreotta, participated as invited panelists at the Inclusive Engagement Workshop held by the Arizona’s Science, Engineering, and Math Scholars (ASEMS) program at UA. The workshop’s goal was for ASEMS scholars to understand how Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) research can make a difference in the world and impact diverse communities. This workshop (http://asems.arizona.edu/events/inclusive-engagement-workshop) also provided opportunities for students to meet the new freshmen and new transfer students and to connect to the large network of ASEM Scholars.
UA Investigators participating on the panel were invited because their research has an important impact on diverse communities. Dr. Ramirez-Andreotta, from the Soil, Water, Environmental Science Department, researches the fate and transport of contaminants in the environment, with a primary focus on plant-soil systems, risk communication, and runs the Gardenroots Project, a citizen science garden project (http://gardenroots.arizona.edu/).
Dr. Saez who has “enjoyed teaching” for over 17 years, is a Distinguished Professor from the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department. His research focuses on the characterization of wind-blown dust from mining operations and the treatment and removal of trace contaminants from water sources (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IfdHSJWUuc ).
Kudos to both of our UA SRP for their participation in the Inclusive Engagement Workshop!