SRP Collaborator Selected for Public Voices 2015-2016
Dr. Paloma Beamer, University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP) Collaborator, has been selected to participate in the 2015-2016 Tucson Public Voices Fellowship Program. The nationwide Public Voices Initiative is supported by the OpEd Project, a program aimed at changing public discourse by training women to take the lead role in writing more key commentaries. In partnership with the University of Arizona College of Social and Behavioral Sciences and local philanthropists, the Women’s Foundation of Southern Arizona brought the program to Tucson in 2013.
UA SRP Director Raina Maier was a 2014-2015 Tucson Public Voices Fellow, and talks about her positive experiences in the program in a featured publication on the Earth’s Microbiome in Scientific American. Dr. Beamer also looks forward to her participation in the Fellowship, and anticipates writing about issues related to children’s health and environmental injustices in our country.
With Drs. Maier and Beamer paving the way in this innovative effort, new options for professional development and exploration are open for exploation to our SRP trainees and students in the Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science.
Read more about the Tucson Public Voices program and our UA SRP participants here.