UA SBRP and Binational Center: Communicating Science to Families

April 14, 2007

On Saturday April 14, 2007, UA SBRP Research Translation Coordinator, Monica Ramirez and U.S. - Mexico Binational Center for Environmental Studies and Toxicology (Binational Center) Program Coordinator, Denise Moreno participated in the Pima Community College Family Day (PCC Family Day) at the Desert Vista campus in Tucson, Arizona. PCC Family Day organizers estimate that around 700 community members participated in the event.

The objective of the PCC Family Day was to provide families with pertinent information regarding PCC classes, programs, financial aid, and relevant community educational materials. The PCC Family Day participants were from neighborhoods surrounding the PCC Desert Vista campus. These neighborhoods are near the Tucson International Airport Area (TIAA) Superfund Site, which is geographically situated in the northern portion of the Tucson Basin in Pima County, Arizona, and includes the south side of the city of Tucson. The primary Contaminant of Concern found at the TIAA site is Trichloroethylene (TCE), a volatile organic compound that has been widely used as an industrial solvent.

Due to their successful participation at the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association’s 10th Annual Arts and Craft Fair (, Ms. Moreno and Ms. Ramirez were invited to distribute the following information regarding trichloroethylene (TCE), and other informational materials, at the PCC Family Day:

Ms. Moreno and Ms. Ramirez are dedicated to community education and human capacity building.  They will continue to be a resource to their community.