UA SBRP Co-hosted 11th Annual Pacific Basin Consortium Conference
The 11th annual Pacific Basin Consortium for Environmental and Health Sciences (PBC) Conference entitled, “ Threats to Human Health and Sustainability in the Pacific Basin: Environmental Pollutants and Global Climate Change," was held September 4-6, 2005 at the University of Hawaii. This conference was co-hosted by the PBC, the East-West Center, and the University of Arizona SBRP. The conference united regional experts in waste disposal and human and environmental health to exchange scientific information pertaining to the management of hazardous wastes. This conference continues a series of international meetings organized by the PBC and builds upon existing knowledge and strong interdisciplinary relationships established among representatives of participating institutions.
The University of Arizona SBRP received funding from NIEHS to sponsor sections of the conference aimed at the management of regional hazardous waste problems, with a special emphasis on human and environmental health. The work that The University of Arizona SBRP presented at the conference focused on the science and engineering of mercury and arsenic treatment and control for the protection of human and ecological health.
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