UA SBRP provides Technical and Educational Support to Community Neighboring Motorola 52nd Street Superfund Site
On March 6, 2008, UA SBRP investigators Eduardo Sáez and Mark Brusseau, and Coordinators Denise Moreno Ramirez and Monica Ramirez presented an educational overview to the Lindon Park Neighborhood Association regarding the nature of volatile organic compounds and clean up strategies currently being used at the National Priority Listed (Superfund) site entitled: Motorola 52nd Street, located in Phoenix Arizona.
The Lindon Park Neighborhood Association is within the boundaries of the Superfund site, Motorola 52nd Street, and is a recipient of a Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). As a TAG recipient, the Lindon Park Neighborhood Association, led by Rene Chase-Dufault and Mary I. Moore has funds to support activities that will help the community participate in decision making at the Motorola 52nd Street Superfund site. The TAG will be used by the neighborhood association to set up contracts with independent technical advisors to interpret and help the community understand technical information regarding the Motorola 52nd Street site. Currently, Mario Castaneda, a faculty member from GateWay Community College is the association’s technical advisor.
The UA SBRP was invited by Mario to provide a bilingual (Spanish and English) discussion regarding the nature of volatile organic compounds and clean up strategies currently being used at the site. UA SBRP Coordinators provided community members, USEPA, and Arizona Department of Environmental Quality managers with bilingual UA SBRP and US-Mexico Binational Center generated educational materials.
The UA SBRP was delighted to be a resource to this actively engaged community and looks forward to working with them again in the future.