UA SRP Attends TIAA Superfund Site Technical Meeting
On October 18, 2012, the annual Tucson International Airport Area Superfund Site Technical Meeting was held in Tucson, Arizona. The hosts of this event were the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Martin Zeleznik – US EPA Site Manager) and Tucson Airport Authority (Fred Brinker – Project Manager, Airport Property). Diverse experts involved in the site remediation and characterization came together to share technical data. Representatives from consulting companies, state agencies, and local industry were present. Leader of the University of Arizona Superfund Research Program Project 6 and Research Translation Core, Dr. Mark Brusseau, provided an update of his current research on the site, which is focused on transport mechanisms of chlorinated solvents in the subsurface. In addition, former Brusseau doctoral student, KC Carroll, who is now a research scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, discussed innovative methods for implementing in situ chemical oxidation.