UA SRP Investigator Participates in 2016 Summit on Community-Engaged Research and Citizen Science

Dec. 22, 2016

Dr. Mónica Ramírez-Andreotta, University of Arizona Superfund Research Program Research Translation Core principle investigator, participated in the Research Triangle Environmental Health Collaborative Summit on Community Engaged Research and Citizen Science in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. There has been a growing acceptance and focus on the application of community-engaged research methods, such as citizen science, in environmental health research.  The purpose of this meeting was to highlight successful examples of projects and approaches, identify future opportunities, and specifically consider the application of citizen science in environmental health disparities.  Ramírez-Andreotta served as a panelist for the topic: “Decision-makers, project leaders and audience engaging in dialogue regarding what criteria/threshold must be achieved to use citizen science.” “It was an honor to sit on a panel alongside experts in community owned and managed research as well as individuals from the regulatory and litigation sector – together, we provided multiple view points on how to further enable the use of citizen science collected data” said Ramírez -Andreotta about the panel. She also added about the summit, “This summit is a great example of how to bring together multiple voices to address current and future challenges associated with environmental health citizen science efforts.” A report will be developed from this summit that will increase the awareness of different community-focused research approaches used in environmental health science studies.


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