UA SRP Investigators Serve as SOT Metals Specialty Section Officers
The Metals Specialty Section is a subgroup of the Society of Toxicology (SOT) which brings together members with metals expertise to collaborate, encourage outreach and education, and act as a resource to the Society. The Metals Specialty Section elects its own officers, including the leaders who serve a four-year term as Vice President-Elect, Vice President, President, and Past President in turn.
Dr. Walt Klimecki, University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP) investigator, has begun his service as President of the SOT Metals Specialty Section for the 2015-2016 term. Dr. Clark Lantz, UA SRP Associate Director, is currently serving as Vice-President, and will assume the role of President next year. Both scientists investigate the impacts of low-dose arsenic on human health and disease states.