UA SRP meets with Community Advisors in Dewey-Humboldt
On October 25, 2012, the University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP) met with community members as part of a newly-formed Community Advisory Board in Dewey-Humboldt, AZ. Dewey-Humboldt is the site of the Iron King Mine and Humboldt Smelter Superfund site, where the contaminants of concern are primarily arsenic and lead in the mine tailings and smelter ash pile. The meeting was held in the Town Library, and included seven invited members with various roles in the local community. UA SRP personnel included Research Translation Coordinator Sarah Wilkinson as well as Metals Exposure in Homes Study (MESH) Coordinator Nathan Lothrop and PI Miranda Loh.
Topics discussed included recruitment for the MESH study, as well as plans for an upcoming community meeting on water issues, a pressing concern in the area. (The meeting will be held in Dewey-Humboldt on December 4, 2012.) The discussion was very productive, and we look forward to quarterly meetings with the newly-formed board. The development of such a board is a step toward building a more-defined partnership between research efforts in the UA SRP and the Dewey-Humboldt community. From the board, the UA SRP hopes to better align community concerns with our research interests and abilities.