UA SRP Participates in NIEHS Core Centers Meeting and Tribal Forum
On April 14-15, 2015, the University of Arizona Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center (SWEHSC) hosted the NIEHS Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers and Training Directors annual meeting in Tucson, AZ. A number of University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP) researchers presented their work and/or attended the meeting.
On the following day, UA SRP’s Denise Moreno Ramírez and Karletta Chief (Community Engagement Core) and Sarah Wilkinson (Research Translation Core) participated in a Tribal Forum that brought together university researchers, NIEHS personnel, and environmental and health professionals, including representatives of more than 20 tribes. The theme of the forum was “Tribal Stories of Health and the Environment,” and provided an opportunity for Arizona tribal members to share their concerns and experiences with environmental health issues.
A highlight of the forum was the release of the Indigenous Stewards magazine, a publication focused on issues and topics related to health and the environment among Indigenous communities. A product of the Native Environmental Health Stories Project, the magazine was created in collaboration between the Community Outreach and Engagement Cores at UA’s SWEHSC and the University of Washington’s Center for Ecogenetics. UA SRP’s Moreno Ramírez was an invited collaborator on the project, and provided feedback on the development of the publication.
Read more about the tribal forum in the May 2015 NIEHS Environmental Factor newsletter.