UA SRP Participates in Successful NIEHS Environmental Health Science FEST and Superfund Grantee Meeting
Congratulations to the National Institute of Environmental Health Science (NIEHS) on their recent 50th anniversary celebration “Environmental Health Science FEST” (EHS FEST). The EHS FEST brought together approximately 1,000 participants ranging including researchers, trainees, community partners, and regulators to discuss accomplishments and explore the future of environmental health science in the 21st century. Seven team members from the University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP) attended the meeting.
Highlights of UA SRP contributions include:
An invited talk about what happened at the Gold King Mine Spill, how it has impacted the Navajo people, and how her university-based team was able to respond to the disaster by UA SRP Community Engagement Core leader Karletta Chief.
An invited talk about new mine waste reclamation technology that is being applied at the field scale in the session “From the Bench to the Field: Technology-Based Solutions to Reduce Environmental Exposure” by UA SRP Director Raina Maier.
Research Translation Core leader Mónica Ramírez-Andreotta was invited to help facilitate a discussion session “Stories from the Field on Community-Engaged Research and Citizen Science: From Current Challenges to Future Possibilities”.
An invited presentation by former UA SRP Trainee Dr. Zilin Guo, who provided her experience as a KC Donnelly Externship awardee and her collaboration with Dr. Graham Fogg from the University of California Davis Superfund Research Program where she is now working as a post-doctoral researcher.
Poster presentations by UA SRP Trainees Kimberly Danny, Lydia Jennings, and Denise Moreno Ramírez.