UA SRP student Karis Nelson wins poster award
University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP) graduate student Karis Nelson took 3rd place in the poster contest at the 8th International Phytotechnology Conference.
University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP) graduate student Karis Nelson took 3rd place in the poster contest at the 8th International Phytotechnology Conference. Hosted by the International Phytotechnology Society, the conference, “Putting Plants to Work Where We Live, Labor, Breathe, and Play,” was held September 13-16, 2011, in Portland, OR.
Ms. Nelson is a Masters student under the mentorship of Dr. Raina Maier, UA SRP Associate Director. She presented her work on microbial community dynamics involved with the phytostabilization of mine tailings, describing the impact of phytostabilization on carbon and nitrogen cycling activity.
Please join the UA SRP in congratulating Karis on her award!