UA SRP Trainee Anastasia Sugeng Racks Up Poster Awards
University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP) graduate trainee Anastasia Sugeng has been very busy presenting her research, “Assessing Metal Exposure in the Community Surrounding the Iron King Superfund Site.” She presented her work in poster and oral format at the SRP Annual Meeting in October.
Back home in Tucson, Sugeng participated in the 2013 Environmental Research Graduate Blitz, hosted by the UA Institute of the Environment, on November 7. She took home an award for "Best Linkage between Science and Society."
On November 8, Sugeng received First Place in the Public Health division at the 2013 UA Graduate and Professional Student Council Student Showcase. The public Showcase occurs during Homecoming weekend and offers students a forum for communicating the importance of their research to the broader University of Arizona community. Scientists and professionals from the University and local community judge students on their presentations skills, scientific merit, and the value of their work to the community.
Congratulations, Anastasia!