UA SRP Training Core Professional Development Day

Oct. 31, 2018

The UA SRP welcomed seven graduate students and post docs to our Training Core this fall semester. The objective of the UA SRP Training Core is to produce interdisciplinary graduates who are equipped to solve complex environmental hazardous waste problems. Our approach to helping UA SRP Trainees develop as professionals has evolved throughout the years and has been crafted in partnership with former Trainees.

Our Trainees received a one-day professional development training early this fall (September 8, 2018). Dr. Raina Maier (UA SRP Director) and Dr. Monica Ramirez-Andreotta provided information and demonstrations on how to compose an effective research abstract, how to do an elevator pitch, and how to write effective news highlights about their research. Special guest speaker Dorsey Kaufman from the College of Fine Arts spoke about how to effectively develop a visual abstract.

All Trainees will be participating in presenting their background and elevator pitch in a radio interview on local station KXCI (91.3 FM) with Ramirez-Andreotta as host. Additionally, all Trainees will be required to participate in a research translation/community engagement activity of their choice.

To learn more about our trainees please visit: .



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