Trainee Update: JoRee LaFrance
Jan. 18, 2023
JoRee LaFrance is a Doctoral Trainee mentored by Dr. Jon Chorover and Dr. Karletta Chief in the Department of Environmental Science. She comes to us from the Apsáalooke (Crow) Tribe in south-central Montana.
Her research at the University of Arizona seeks to characterize and partition major sources of contaminants to understand the effects on the contaminant concentration-discharge (loadings) relationship of the Little Bighorn River and Apsáalooke (Crow) tribal water use.
In 2022, JoRee LaFrance has continued engage in academic and community events and opportunities:
- LaFrance attended the “Water In The West: Toward Convergent Solutions to Water Security” event hosted by Montana State University’s Center for Science, Technology, Ethics and Society (May 24-26, 2022).
- LaFrance was a recipient of the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice award from Environmental Health News and the Environmental Health Sciences Department at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.
- She is the co-founder and co-program manager of Ilíiaitchik: Indigenous Correspondents Program, which is a new collaboration between George Washington University’s School of Media and Public Affairs, Planet Forward and the University of Arizona’s Indigenous Resilience Center that supports Indigenous students interested environmental storytelling.
- LaFrance also co-created a billboard “The Land Remembers,” a collaboration with the For Freedoms Organization for their #AnotherJustice: By Any Medium Necessary Campaign.
- Additionally, she served as a cultural consultant creating the “Bíaitche Anníio: The Ways of a Crow Woman for the Apsáalooke Women and Warriors” exhibit currently at the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, Montana.
Please join us in congratulating JoRee La France for all her great work, success, and achievements!!!