Dr. Ramírez-Andreotta Receives 2023 Distinguished Scholar Award & Invited to EPA Board of Scientific Counselors
Dr. Mónica Ramírez-Andreotta, UA SRC Research Translation Core Principal Investigator, received the 2023 Distinguished Scholar Award for innovations in her discipline and contributions to teaching, research and outreach at the University.
Distinguished Scholars Awards are granted to three outstanding recently tenured and mid-career faculty who are making transformative contributions to their disciplines and to the University’s purpose, mission, and values. Candidates are judged both on the evidence that they are achieving national/international recognition for ground-breaking innovations and on their broader contributions to research, teaching, and community engagement, including their efforts to meet the priorities set out in the University’s Strategic Plan.
Further, Dr. Ramírez-Andreotta was invited to serve on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Board of Scientific Counselors on the new Social and Community Science subcommittee. As a member of the subcommittee, she will support the agency's commitment to supporting communities and community science.
Congratulations to Dr. Ramírez-Andreotta!