Trainee Update: Ben Yang
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Ben Yang successfully defended his Doctoral Dissertation, “Investigating the Role of Soil Microbiome in Ecological Restoration,” last fall. Yang realized the limitation of using sequencing technique during his PhD research and thus attempted to investigate the functions of soil microbial communities deeper with microbial metabolites.
Yang was mentored by Dr. Albert Barberán from the Department of Environmental Sciences. During 2023, Ben received the William G. McGinnies scholarship in Arid Lands Studies and the Wallace H. Fuller Scholarship, and in 2022 he received a Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Graduate Student Grant.
Yang was also nominated and selected for his outstanding performance as the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALES) Meritorious Graduate Teaching Assistant for Fall 2023.
Yang will continue to be a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Environmental Sciences working with Dr. Malak Tfaily.
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Ben Yang!!!