Dr. Ramírez-Andreotta Co-hosts SoilSHOP 2024 in Hayden, Arizona

On June 15, 2024, a group of academic, government, and community organizations conducted a soilSHOP for the residents of the Hayden/Winkelman, Arizona region. Around 70 people were present at SoilSHOP 2024.
Community members brought in soil samples for lead and arsenic screening. Attendees learned about their lead and arsenic soil screening results, best practices to avoid lead and arsenic exposure, gardening in residential soils and childhood lead poisoning prevention resources.
The event was directed by University of Arizona (UA) SRP Research Translation Core PI, Dr. Mónica Ramírez-Andreotta and coordinated by her lab’s Research Scientist, William Borkan, Partners included the Hayden Public Library, Gila County Health Department, Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Region 9. Five UA students helped facilitate the event and worked alongside government agencies, including NIEHS Superfund Research Program Trainees and PhD candidates, Zain Alqattan and God’sgift Chukwuonye.
In preparation for the soilSHOP, the Ramírez-Andreotta laboratory hosted three ADHS colleagues on May 14, 2024. SRC trainee and PhD candidate Zain Alqattan developed a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to calibrate a pXRF with site-specific soils. Alquattan trained and shared the SOP with the visiting ADHS personnel. The training will enable them to do site-specific calibrations for other locations which in turn will allow the team to get more accurate lead and arsenic readings and better inform the communities.
A special and massive thanks to Hayden Public Library Clerk Jamie Wolgast for their leadership and commitment to community environmental public health.