UA SRC Trainees Attend Conference in France
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UA SRC Trainees Kamila Murawska and Tomasz Wlodarczyk attended the International symposium of LabEx DRIIHM from June 5 to 7, 2024 in Montpellier, France (
The LabEX DRIIHM symposium is an annual meeting of the 13 Human-Environment Observatories (CNRS-InEE), interdisciplinary observation tools of socio-ecosystems in crisis or strongly impacted by an anthropic event.
Murawska presented a poster titled "Seed-Based Compromises and Adaptations in Drought-Resistant Plants Facing Extreme Metal Contamination."
Wlodarczyk presented a poster titled “Utilizing Vegetation Surveys at Legacy Mine Sites to Uncover Metal Accumulation and Tolerance Strategies in Native Plants."
“It was inspiring to see the diversity of research being conducted in the field of environmental science and ecology across European research groups,” Kamila said.
Not only did they enjoy the networking opportunities at the conference, but they also had a chance to admire the beauty of Southern France.
Congratulations Kamila and Tomasz!