NIEHS Superfund Support

Cite NIEHS Superfund Support

The University of Arizona Superfund Research Center (UA SRC) is supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) of the National Institute of Health (NIH) under Award Number P42 ES004940.  

Each publication, press release, or other document about research supported by an NIH award must include an acknowledgement of the NIH award support and a disclaimer such as: 

Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institute of Health under Award Number P42 ES004940. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute of Health.”

Open Access

All manuscripts supported by the UA SRC P42 ES004940 need to be submitted for Open Access through the NIH portal.

Most life science journals automatically submit your paper for open access, creating a PMCID number. Please check the list of journals to see if you journal has an automated service (  If not on the list, you would then need to upload the paper yourself. The submitted paper will then be given a PMCID number.

Non-life-science papers are not generally submitted by the journal so you will need to submit these paper for Open Access.