UA SBRP Investigator Mark Brusseau Co-Authors Environmental and Pollution Science Textbook
This textbook focuses on: (i) the continuum of the environment – namely the earth, water, and atmosphere, epitomized by the term “Environmental Science”; and (ii) science-based aspects of the pollution of the environment. Thus, this textbook is designed to provide a scientific basis that will allow for prudent decisions to be made to manage and mitigate pollution throughout the environment. In general, pollution can be defined as the accumulation and adverse interaction of contaminants within the environment. Pollution is ubiquitous and can occur on or within land, oceans, or the atmosphere. Contaminants can consist of chemical components/elements, biological entities, particulate matter, or energy, and they may be of natural or anthropogenic origin. Given these complexities, multidisciplinary approaches are needed to address environmental pollution issues. Therefore, this text provides a rigorous science-based integration of the physical, chemical, and biological properties and processes that influence the environment and that also affect contaminants in the environment.
Professionals and students studying the environment, especially as it relates to pollution; also government workers and conservationists/ecologists.
Pepper, I. L., Gerba, C. P., and Brusseau, M.L. Environmental and Pollution Science. Academic Press, San Diego, 2006.
- Description taken from Preface of Environmental and Pollution Science.