Training Core Student Wins Best Poster at SRP Annual Meeting
Lucia Rodriguez Freire was awarded third place in the non-biomedical poster division at the recent Superfund Research Prgram (SRP) Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon. Her poster entitled, “Metabolic Characterization of Three Arsenite-Oxidizing Nitrate-Reducing Bacterial Strains” summarized her Ph.D. work in the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department laboratory of Drs. Reyes Sierra and James Field. Lucia’s broad research area of interest is in the bioremediation of environmental contaminants.
Lucia came to the University of Arizona (UA) from Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. She received a GIGA grant from the Dean Carter Binational Center to begin her doctoral degree. This year, she was incorporated into the UA SRP under the Training Core.
Lucia was one of six students recognized at the SRP Annual Meeting not only for their scientific investigations, but also their ability to communicate these messages to other scientists. Please join the UA SRP in congratulating Lucia on her award.