Agreement Signed Between Binational Center and UAC Strengthens Ties
Dr. A. Jay Gandolfi and Dr. Clark Lantz recently traveled to Torreon, Mexico as part of an ongoing collaborative research project. On September 30, 2011, an institutional agreement was signed between the Dean Carter Binational Center for Environmental Health Sciences (Binational Center) and the Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila (UAC) College of Medicine in order to extend the support for student exchanges between the institutions. Specifically, the agreement outlines medium and long-term action towards increasing student quality education and professional trainings for faculty.
This collaboration between academic groups does not come without precedence. Since 2005, the Binational Center has supported approximately seven students/professionals from UAC in both short-term and long-term fellowships. Technical training they received focused on arsenic in air and water as well as the methods needed to quantify data obtained in the field. Ultimately, the trainings provided expert human capital that supports laboratory instrumentation and methodology development within regional environmental health studies. In addition, it has furthered collaborative research, which the Binational Center has promoted since the onset regarding transboundary environmental issues.