UA SRP Research Translation Core welcomes Becca Cammack as New Program Coordinator

April 13, 2016

Former Research Translation Core (RTC) Coordinator, Sarah Wilkinson, left some big shoes to fill in the University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP). Sarah’s work on internal SRP research projects and with outside agencies gave birth to a legacy of interactive relationships and networks, and also left the SRP searching for a replacement to fill the void!


It is our pleasure to introduce Becca Cammack, who is ready to take on this challenge as the new UA SRP RTC Coordinator. Becca is a career environmental professional and technical writer, joining us after a long and diverse career in the private consulting and utility industries. Becca’s work in the environmental industry spans a number of disciplines to include indoor air quality; soil science and geotechnical work; environmental assessment and site remediation work; storm water and water quality; environmental planning, compliance, and permitting; and environmental training. In each of these areas she has worked in the capacities of field work, laboratory analysis, project management, technical writing, and marketing. When transitioning from the private consulting industry to the Southern California utility industry, Becca worked first as an Environmental Specialist with San Diego Gas & Electric before joining Pacific Gas & Electric as a Senior Environmental Scientist for Water Quality. During her tenure with these two sister utilities, Becca earned recognition as a Subject Matter Expert in the area of Construction Storm Water permitting and compliance.

As a professional writer outside of her environmental work, Becca has performed grant writing for nonprofit organizations, scientific editing for research manuscripts prepared by non-English speaking (and writing!) authors, and educational blogging and medical writing within the pharmaceutical industry. 

Becca holds a BS in Geology from Northern Arizona University, a professional certification in Technical & Scientific Writing from San Diego State University, and is completing the final touches on her thesis to complete her MA in Rhetoric & Writing Studies, also from San Diego State University.  Her professional publications include an essay, From Concept to Action: Do Environmental Regulations Promote Sustainability, included in the 2013 book, Environmental Rhetoric and Ecologies of Place; and a chapter in the 2015 IEEE Special Issue, Integrating and Assessing Communication in Engineering Curricula:  Communication Practices by Way of Permits and Policy: Do Environmental Regulations Promote Sustainability in the Real World.

Becca is also a (recently re-transplanted) Tucson native and a Bikram Yoga teacher. We look forward to working with her to continue Sarah’s legacy and the contributions of the UA SRP to the community of stakeholders that we serve.  Welcome Becca!

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