Moreno Ramírez Gives Community-Engaged Research Presentation to Environmental Professionals
Denise Moreno Ramírez, University of Arizona Superfund Research Program (UA SRP) Community Engagement Core Coordinator, delivered a presentation at the Southern Arizona Environmental Management Society (SAEMS) monthly luncheon on October 29, 2014. Moreno Ramírez was invited to present by SAEMS Vice President Heather Spitzer after the two met serving on the Pima County Environmental Quality Advisory Council.
The goals of this environmental organization are to “actively promote awareness, education, and understanding of environmental issues” and to “provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information between private enterprises, government, industry, and education and research institutions.” More than 200 members are invited to a monthly luncheon series featuring speakers addressing a variety of environmental issues.
Moreno Ramírez delivered a presentation entitled, “Community-Engaged Research in Environmental Science: Process and Application.” In it, she described how environmental scientists are becoming more multidisciplinary and applying community-engaged techniques in their research. She illustrated these concepts with examples of her own work. At the luncheon, Moreno Ramírez ran into a colleague she interacts with at the Tucson International Airport Area Superfund site Unified Community Advisory Board meetings, who took the opportunity to sing her praises to the group!
Overall, Moreno Ramírez says the experience “was great! It was an opportunity to expose other environmental scientists to an emerging branch in the science.”