New Community Information Sheets: Mercury + Fitoremediación
The University of Arizona (UA SRP) has published two new issues in our popular series of community information sheets! One tri-fold pamphlet is focused on mercury. It describes what mercury is, how people can be exposed and how to limit exposure, as well as health effects of mercury exposure. As always, the information sheet is tailored to our audience (US Southwest and Border region), and provides the reader with references for additional information. The other new pamphlet is a Spanish translation of the phytoremediation information sheet that was released last fall.
The “What is Mercury?” information sheet was created by UA SRP Community Engagement Coordinator Denise Moreno Ramírez. Dr. Celia Chen (Dartmouth SRP) and former UA SRP Director Dr. Jay Gandolfi provided expertise to review and finalize the document. The “¿Qué es la Fitoremediación?” information sheet was translated from English into Spanish by UA SRP graduate trainee Christopher Olivares and Program Coordinator Rocío Estrella. Both information sheets were printed with Arizona Lithographers, a local printing business that uses sustainable practices.
These information sheets, as all the others in the series, are freely available in hard copy format from the UA SRP, or can be viewed in PDF format online.