Risk Assessment: Additional Resources
The “background” section in this module was developed to provide basic knowledge on the theme. In other words, important components and ideas are only highlighted and summarized. The purpose of this section is threefold: 1) provide additional sources of information in order to deliver an alternative way of looking at a theme, 2) expand the general information provided in the “background” to facilitate better training preparation, 3) offer potential training handouts or supplemental material that can also assist training participants. The brevity of the “background” section encourages the trainer to learn more outside of what is presented. The “background” section is a good jumping off point. Here are some suggested on-line resources that contain relevant information, but please feel free to research others:
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional — Riesgos Ambientales(Spanish)
Center for Disease Control and Prevention — Health Hazard Evaluations: Program Information
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry — Public Health Assessments and Health Consultations
Center for Disease Control and Prevention — Workplace Safety and Health
National Fire Prevention Association — Los Buenos Recuerdos (Spanish)
US Department of Housing and Urban Development — Overview of the Healthy Home Rating System
Federal Emergency Management Agency — Hunting Home Hazards
Occupational Safety and Health Administration — Hazards
Center for Disease Control and Prevention — NIOSH Workplace Safety and Health Topics: Hazards to Outdoors Workers
El Portal de la Seguridad, la Prevención y la Salud de Chile — Accidentes en la Oficina, Riesgos Específicos(Spanish)
Center for Disease Control and Prevention — Workplace Safety and Health: Office Environment and Worker Safety and Health
Ing. Ricardo Haddad — Riesgos y Prevención en la Industria Minera(Spanish)
Mining Safety — Hazard Identification at the Mining Site
Instituto Sindical para América Central y el Caribe — Salud Laboral de las trabajadoras de las Maquilas(Spanish)
Arizona Department of Health Services — Childhood Lead Prevention Program
Consumer Product Safety Commission — Recalls