UA SRP Continues Partnership with the Town of Dewey-Humboldt
The Dewey-Humboldt Community Advisory Board was originally formed in 2012 as a venue for the University of Arizona Superfund Research Program’s (UA SRP) Metals Exposure Study in Homes (MESH) to share their ongoing research with local citizens. As the MESH study concluded, members of the board thought it was an opportune moment to open up this venue to others interested in environmental issues. The mission was established as, “Identifying and striving to address local environmental issues through science, education, and community collaboration.” This mission was the springboard for the group to begin this new phase in their evolution.
UA SRP Dr. Mónica Ramírez-Andreotta (Research Translation Director) and Denise Moreno Ramírez (Community Engagement Program Coordinator) have been working closely with board members to facilitate the components involved in helping the community board with this evolution. Public relations efforts have been extremely important to both inform the community of its existence and to recruit new members. The board has partnered with the Town of Dewey-Humboldt and the Dewey-Humboldt Public Library to advertise the meetings. At the recent March 10, 2017 meeting, the board members established “Dewey-Humboldt Community Environmental Board” as their latest name reflecting its new direction as a local grassroots organization. The UA SRP is excited to witness and help develop this chapter in the board’s expansion and will continue to work with the community on environmental and community-engaged research.